At this page you can get an impression of the extension of the fairytales of Hans Christian Andersen. At present the fairytales are to be found in no less than 160 different written languages!

In the library at the Hans Christian Andersen Museum 140 of the 160 languages are represented. By clicking the buttons on this page you are able to view an example of a fairytale from the library in the language in question.

We are trying to keep up to date with new foreign fairytale-editions, but it is a huge and in reality impracticable task for us. Should you know of new Hans Christian Andersen editions or editions in languages not represented at this page, please contact us.

It has been practically impossible for us to establish and contact possible possessors of rights of the many different editions. We only reproduce single fairytales from the editions and ask those whose rights have been infringed - if any - to contact us.
Abkhazian French Luxembourg Sotho
Africaan Frisian Macedonian South Jutland Dialect
Albanian Furlan Malay Spanish
Alternative Braille Gaelic Maltese Stenography
Arab Galician Marathi Swedish
Armenian Georgian Meadow Mari Tagalog
Assamese German Moldavian Taiwanese
Azerbadjan Greek Moldavian with roman type Tajikistan
Azerbaijani in Latin characters Greenlandic Mondial Tamoul
Bable Gujarat Mongolian Tatar
Bahasa Haussa Mongolian with old mongalian signs Thai
Bashkir Hawaiian Nepalese Thai Braille
Basque Hebrew Nogaj Tibetan
Bengali Hill Mari Norwegian Tseltal
Bornholm Hindi Norwegian  (Bokmål) Turcoman
Braille (English) Hungarian Novial Turkish
Breton Icelandic Old Russian Tuvin
Bulgarian Interlingua Ossetic Udmurt
Burjats Irish Persian Ukrainian
Burmese Italian Piemontlian Urdu
Catalan Jakutsk Polish Uzbek
Chinese Japanese Polyglot Vietnamese
Croatian Japanese with roman letters Portuguese Volapük
Czech Jiddish Punjabi Walloon
Dagbane Kannada Purepecha Welsh
Danish Karelian Rhaeto-Romanic West Frisian
Dargin Kaszubian Rumanian White Russian
Dholuo Kazakh Russian Zulu
Donegal Irish Khmer Serbian
Dutch Kirgisian Serbocroatian
English Korean Sesotho
Esperanto Kurdish Sikololo solozi
Estonian Lao Sinhalese
Feroe Latvian Slovak
Filipino Letter Braille Slovenian
Finnish Lithuanian Somali
Flemish Low German Sorbian